

    1. Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. For this a student has to learn self-control of his emotions and impulses. He must learn to live harmony with others by respecting the customs and traditions of others and society, by keeping the laws of the country and by obeying the commandments of God.
    2. Order must be the hall-mark of our school. For this an atmosphere of silence must be maintained by everyone during working hours in class-rooms, staff-rooms and office. Thus everyone should contribute to maintain an excellence of standards in everything.
    3. The school, insist on punctuality, regular attendance, good manners, cleanliness and devotion to study. Above all a student must be courteous to superiors and fellow students.
    4. Every student shall bring the Text books and note books required for the classes neatly covered and labelled. No Newspapers, periodicals or pictures shall be brought to school.
    5. Every student is required to maintain the school premises clean and tidy. Waste paper and other waste materials should be deposited in the bins provided for the purposes. Defacing walls, destruction of furniture, tampering with the plants in the garden etc. will be severely dealt with.
    6. All assignments shall be regularly done and submitted. Parents/Guardians are requested to read the REMARK sections of the school Diary of their ward every day.
    7. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings. No valuable articles or money should be brought to school. Sharp instruments and tools are not allowed in the school premises.
    8. Students must move along the corridors and veranda in absolute silence and in an orderly manner. While moving to classes or halls, they are to keep left and move in a line.
    9. Students who remain in their class rooms during intervals are not allowed to play inside. They are not allowed to play in the corridors or in the School yards during intervals.
    10. In the absence of a teacher, it is the Class Leader’s responsibility to keep order in the class. Strict silence should be observed inside the class during such times.
    11. Students are expected to converse in English while they are in the School campus.
    12. If any student is found sick or wounded, the matter should be immediately reported to any of the teachers for immediate attention.
    13. All students are expected to strictly follow the instructions given by the class teacher through the prefect/class leader/SUPW Volunteer
    14. Students travelling by school Buses should queue up when they board the buses.
    15. Students are not allowed to wear gold or silver ornaments at school.
    16. Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the school.
    17. Only the class leaders are allowed to enter the staffroom.
    18. Present to teachers or demonstrations in their honour are not allowed without special permission from the principal.